#00cccc Robin's Egg Blue

Color palettes, pickers, and names

About these tools

These pages are intended to help you understand and discover colors. There are 16,777,216 possible colors that can be represented on a computer screen. Some tiny fraction of those have been named. Click the links above to find analysis of any color, including its name (if it has one), which others it looks best with, links to buy the paint, code samples, and more. Browse all named shades or make your own.

Color browsers

Use the interactive sliders to browse details associated with each color. Want to see that color a smidge more rosy? Drag the red slider to the right. Want to see what other color names exist? Use the names slider to browse all names. See data from the most common color spaces - RGB, HSL, HSV, and CMYK - for any color under the sun.

#00cccc Robin's Egg Blue
#121212 Ennui
#993311 Bark of the Manzanita Tree
#c3ca77 Burnt Green

Color palettes

Read the story behind the color with an interactive color palette. Read about the color details, name, and definition, or find related shades. Each palette page displays color schemes for your design needs: complementary, analogous, triadic, and more.

#614051 Eggplant
#ee8822 Breast Feather of the Oriole
#ffcf00 Fire Burn and Caldron Bubble
#dbd1e8 Shimmering Sky

Color names

This comprehensive list of named colors features color names from HTML, Pantone swatches, stones, jewels, flowers, foods, minerals, house paints, and artist pigments. Check out the lovingly hand-crafted colors from the Kristen colorset. I am building out my color dictionary, currently at 8000+ names and growing. Use the drop-down menus to filter by hue or source.

#af89cf Anarchy
#cccccc Dark of the Moon
#001156 Bituminous Blue
#d8f6ec Refreshing Teal